Kejadian Mengerikan, ada orang dipotong kepalanya di london..ihh ngeri..
>> Friday, May 24, 2013
di gambar dibawah terlihat pelaku masih memegang kedua pisau dan kedua tangannya berlumuran darah dari leher korban, sementara korbannya terletak tak bernyawa di jalan.
kalo menurut neng sich.. manusia apapun alasannya, ga berhak untuk mencabut nyawa orang lain.. itu hak mutlak tuhan, pencipta alam semesta.. its just my opinion yach.. boleh kan orang punya opini.. tiap orang berhak punya opini masing2.. just respect each other dech!
Metropolitan Police Commander Simon Letchford mengumumkan pernyataan sebagai berikut:
"Police were called to reports of an assault... where one man was being assaulted by two other men. A number of weapons were reportedly being used in the attack, and this included reports of a firearm. Officers including local Greenwich officers arrived at the scene, and shortly after firearms officers arrived on the scene."
"Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police. They have both been taken to separate London hospitals. They are receiving treatment for their injuries. I can understand that this incident will cause community concerns and I would like to reiterate that we are investigating the circumstances."
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