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Lagi kepingin ke Ancol

>> Saturday, January 4, 2014

lagi kangen jakarta... terutama ancol... saat2 kaya gini lagi sendirian, ga ada temen, saudara... suasana sepi(di aussie sepi loh he he.. jadi teringat kalo di indo suara bising dari mana2 dari tetangga sebelah yang kalo setel musik bunyinya sampe ke rumah kontrakan paling ujung, suara gaduh dari toko di sampung rumah yang pasang musik menggelegar...toko kelontong di sepanjang jalan yang pake sound sistemnya kaya di klub malam he he)...
Hujan2 kaya gini, I miss Indo, pengen ke ancol...
My first journey was back in 2006. Let me tell you more about it.
Ancol Beach or the local people usually called "Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Located in North Jakarta, Indonesia. To see whats happening at Ancol beach you can visit their website on (
Grab your tickets and membership card to get discount and best deals click (Here).
Ancol beach consist of several amusement parks. The beach itself is located inside the park. There are several amusement park such as "Dunia Fantasi", "Gelanggang Renang Atlantis". "Gelanggang Samudra", "Pasar Seni", and many moore.
This is their maskot, the clown is one of a symbol of Ancol beach. Once you step your foot in the enterance you will be greet by more than two maskot clown and you can hug and take a picture with them just like I did, its totally FREE.

This is one of their ads on local TV;

This is called "Tornado", you can ride on if you BRAVE enough!!
but if you have heart problem, i suggest you choose another games.

This is called " Roller Coaster". If you have heart problem, Do Not play ride this.

To see what else they've got in Ancol beach, i recomend you to visit (
In order to get there, you can use bus services, They have got so many choices of public transportation such as public bus or indonesian usually called "Busway", "metromini", "angkot", "Bajaj", with indonesian Rupiah usually cost about Rp. 3.5oo, or Less than 50 cent US/AUD or visit their website on (BuswayTransJakarta). Another choises of transport is a train which costs Rp. 2.500 or less than 10 cent. But if you don't know where around, you can just call taxi or visit their website on (,(taxiinfo).

Here are the lists of Taxi phone number in jakarta;
1. Batavia taxi, Phone 7336776
2. Blue Bird taxi, phone 7941234 7981001 7989000 7944444
3. Cendrawasih taxi, Phone 4602706
4. Centris taxi, phone 5268922 5843126 8009641
5. Citra taxi , phone7817771, phone, 7817233 8451717
6. Dian taxi, phone 4250505 5807070 7378811
7. Dynasty taxi, phone 5680986
8. Express taxi, phone 5761313 5709009 s/d 11
9. Gading taxi, phone 4613001 4613002 5551840
10. Gamya taxi, phone 8403838 8403848 87795555
11. Koperasi taxi, phone 8408877
12. Kosti taxi, phone 7801333 7445055 7875166
13. Jakarta International taxi, phone 3143777
14. Liberty taxi, phone8708888 7398303 351845
15. Lintas Buana taxi, phone 87755555
16. Master taxi, phone 5854545 5847724
17. Maya Kencana taxi, phone 7401809
18. Metropolitan taxi, phone 4204444 4207277 4202222 5807070
19. Morante Jaya taxi, phone 4603333 7990429 7971245
20. Prestasi taxi, phone 4754545
21. Putra taxi, phone 7817771
22. Queen tai, phone 6410001 8710824
23. Rajawali taxi, phone 8401133
24. Ratax taxi, phone 7398669 7398303 5302625
25. Royal City taxi, phone 8500888 8011667
26. Silver Bird taxi, phone 7941234 7981001 86600745
27. Sri Medali taxi, phone 8005555 8006666 8091650
28. Steady Safe taxi, phone 3922222 3143333 3900001 3103344
29. Tiffany taxi, phone 5854545
30. Wahana taxi, phone 8009641

well, i've been there couple times and I loved it!!


What : Jaya Ancol Dreamland, ,(JayaAncolDreamland).
Rate : ***** Stars
Where : Ancol Beach, Indonesia,(ancolbeach).
How to get there : Public Transport, buses,train, taxis, (bluebirdtaxi),(taxiinfo), (BuswayTransJakarta).


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