Biaya hidup di australia untuk pemula
>> Thursday, May 30, 2013
Ada temen neng yang nanya, dianya masih di indo, belum datang ke aussi, dia nanya kira2 berapa sih biaya anak kuliahan, untuk hidup di australia?
Untuk kisaran biaya hidup di australia khusus edisi anak kuliahan, tergantung lifestyle-awalnya dia masing2 yach.. Mahasiswa indo yang kuliah disini berasal dari beragam status social yang berbeda,ada yang kalangan atas, menengah dan bawah, ada yang ortunya bisa nyukupin hidup nyaman bahakan bisa sampe di beliin mobil, apartemen disini, ada yang hidup secukupnya ada yang hidup pas-pasan alias paychek to paychek..
Yang neng bahas sekarang ya yang paycheck to paycheck yach..

Humble living Students Style
Assuming you are going to stay very modestly your living expenses for student would be as under:
1) Share Accommodation/kosan
Sekitar $150-200 per say $750 per month (30days) You can find share accommodation online just type in room for rent and that will come up with lots of result, thanks to mbah google. Share accomodation will be better to begin with just so that you dont have to invest into buying any kitchen equipment or furniture, you just move in with your bags and rest everything is provided. Most of the rentals includes electricity, gas and most times home internet.
Kalo accomodationnya ada kitchennya mending masak sendiri aja, lebih murah dan bisa makan sepuasnya.
pergi ke K-mart atau Big W atau toko elektronik, beli rice cooker kira2 harganya $20-35, sama beli pemasak air, buat bikin indomi dikamar, kalo mampu beli microwave, mending beli aja, bikin hidup lebih gampang. Pergi ke lokal asian grocery beli indomi sekardus sekitar $15-25, beli beras 5-10kg, beli bahan makanan in bulk, lebih murah dari pada belie eceran. kalo mau sayuran segar, satu minggu pagi biasa ada asian farmer market, coba ketik morning farmer market di google di kotamu, pasti ada. kalo masak sendiri biaya hidup lebih hemat, yang pasi pengeluaran tergantung makanan kesukaan masing2, contohnya ada yang bikin nasi sama dadar atau indomi telor buat sarapan, terus nasi sama ikan sarden buat makan siang, dan nasi goreng buat makan malam. ada yang suka spaghetti, bikin spagetti pagi bisa sisa sampe lunch and dinner.. yah.. just like i said man, tergantung perut masing2 yach.. yang jelas masak sendiri waaaaaay more cheaper than eating out all the time....
nak kalo yang suka makan keluar, satu meal biasanya $10-25 per meal, bisa dihitunglah...
3) Travel
kalo tempat tinggalnya jauh dari kampus, biasanya travel pake bus, train, atau mobil sendiri.
If you live in Sydney and travel very frequent then its best to get a MyMultiTrain pass which allows you unlimited travel on city rail, light rail, buses, ferry etc. The cost of pass depends on which zone you select. Assuming you are not living in the extreme outskirts then MyMulti2 pass should serve you right which will cost you $199. If you feel you dont travel that frequently then you should take a ticket on need basis and will work out cheaper.
If you live in Perth, you can get a smart rider. biasanya kalo student dapet half price than normal passenger.
4) Communications
Yang suka tlp interlokal pacar atau ortu, kalo punya pacar di indo, mending hook up with skype you can see their faces directly, but kalo yg ga punya internet connection, sebaiknya pilih phone plan yang mempermudah kamu buat komunikasi. say .. kamu tlp pacar/mama di indo setiap hari, pilihlan plan yang bikin nelpon internasional call murah., and so on
5) Entertainment
yang suka hang out and going out clubbing.. buat ladies, why not try ladies nigh, so you dont get charge admission fee..and usually free first drink (not all the time, special event only) set aside $200 for fun activities, or maybe you can try something different, if you like clubbing why not working in the club as a bartender its kind of fun that you don't have to pay entry fee anymore he he he.. just a need to take it seriously.
6) Unexpected things
Like maybe you are having a little accident and need to go to the hospital, or some of your close friend having a wedding in country town, you are the maid of honor or best man and you have to travel, and so on . to be safe keep aside $100, put it in a piggy bank.
So the combined total loving cost would be around 1000- 1500/forth nigh. keep in mind that its just an estimate, your living expenses might be lower or waaayyyy lower than this or even higher or waaaaaayyyy higher that the estimate. again, it depends on your lifestyle.
neng toyib
Untuk kisaran biaya hidup di australia khusus edisi anak kuliahan, tergantung lifestyle-awalnya dia masing2 yach.. Mahasiswa indo yang kuliah disini berasal dari beragam status social yang berbeda,ada yang kalangan atas, menengah dan bawah, ada yang ortunya bisa nyukupin hidup nyaman bahakan bisa sampe di beliin mobil, apartemen disini, ada yang hidup secukupnya ada yang hidup pas-pasan alias paychek to paychek..
Yang neng bahas sekarang ya yang paycheck to paycheck yach..
Humble living Students Style
Assuming you are going to stay very modestly your living expenses for student would be as under:
1) Share Accommodation/kosan
Sekitar $150-200 per say $750 per month (30days) You can find share accommodation online just type in room for rent and that will come up with lots of result, thanks to mbah google. Share accomodation will be better to begin with just so that you dont have to invest into buying any kitchen equipment or furniture, you just move in with your bags and rest everything is provided. Most of the rentals includes electricity, gas and most times home internet.
Kalo accomodationnya ada kitchennya mending masak sendiri aja, lebih murah dan bisa makan sepuasnya.
pergi ke K-mart atau Big W atau toko elektronik, beli rice cooker kira2 harganya $20-35, sama beli pemasak air, buat bikin indomi dikamar, kalo mampu beli microwave, mending beli aja, bikin hidup lebih gampang. Pergi ke lokal asian grocery beli indomi sekardus sekitar $15-25, beli beras 5-10kg, beli bahan makanan in bulk, lebih murah dari pada belie eceran. kalo mau sayuran segar, satu minggu pagi biasa ada asian farmer market, coba ketik morning farmer market di google di kotamu, pasti ada. kalo masak sendiri biaya hidup lebih hemat, yang pasi pengeluaran tergantung makanan kesukaan masing2, contohnya ada yang bikin nasi sama dadar atau indomi telor buat sarapan, terus nasi sama ikan sarden buat makan siang, dan nasi goreng buat makan malam. ada yang suka spaghetti, bikin spagetti pagi bisa sisa sampe lunch and dinner.. yah.. just like i said man, tergantung perut masing2 yach.. yang jelas masak sendiri waaaaaay more cheaper than eating out all the time....
nak kalo yang suka makan keluar, satu meal biasanya $10-25 per meal, bisa dihitunglah...
3) Travel
kalo tempat tinggalnya jauh dari kampus, biasanya travel pake bus, train, atau mobil sendiri.
If you live in Sydney and travel very frequent then its best to get a MyMultiTrain pass which allows you unlimited travel on city rail, light rail, buses, ferry etc. The cost of pass depends on which zone you select. Assuming you are not living in the extreme outskirts then MyMulti2 pass should serve you right which will cost you $199. If you feel you dont travel that frequently then you should take a ticket on need basis and will work out cheaper.
If you live in Perth, you can get a smart rider. biasanya kalo student dapet half price than normal passenger.
4) Communications
Yang suka tlp interlokal pacar atau ortu, kalo punya pacar di indo, mending hook up with skype you can see their faces directly, but kalo yg ga punya internet connection, sebaiknya pilih phone plan yang mempermudah kamu buat komunikasi. say .. kamu tlp pacar/mama di indo setiap hari, pilihlan plan yang bikin nelpon internasional call murah., and so on
5) Entertainment
yang suka hang out and going out clubbing.. buat ladies, why not try ladies nigh, so you dont get charge admission fee..and usually free first drink (not all the time, special event only) set aside $200 for fun activities, or maybe you can try something different, if you like clubbing why not working in the club as a bartender its kind of fun that you don't have to pay entry fee anymore he he he.. just a need to take it seriously.
6) Unexpected things
Like maybe you are having a little accident and need to go to the hospital, or some of your close friend having a wedding in country town, you are the maid of honor or best man and you have to travel, and so on . to be safe keep aside $100, put it in a piggy bank.
So the combined total loving cost would be around 1000- 1500/forth nigh. keep in mind that its just an estimate, your living expenses might be lower or waaayyyy lower than this or even higher or waaaaaayyyy higher that the estimate. again, it depends on your lifestyle.
neng toyib
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