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How to adapt- when you are studying in Australia

>> Monday, May 27, 2013

So, you ready to leave your home country and move to Australia  to study?
Whether you go to live in another country as a student or have merely immigrated, there will always likely be many things that may be so different to what one was accustomed to in their prior life in another country.
That's normal,  its a natural way as a human, we adapt to a new environment.
Australians is a mixed lot of culture, since everybody most likely coming from different part of the world, even the one that has been settled here for so many years, they will still more likely to continues tradition from their respective home countries.  therefore,  it is common in a bus or market or shopping centre,  we can hear so many languages spoken other than English.
Everybody has different ways of living their lives, different interests etc., one advantage of  being in Australia  is you can choose what you like, what you believe, what you want, its all up to you, nobody will force you against your will or believe.
If you  feels little bit out of place, just give it some time and meet new people, find clubs that you are interested in, be it sport, hobbies or whatever you like and that may help adapt. if you like singing, try join a community for singing, of you like sewing clothes, join a sewing club and so on
Membahas yentang isu racism di Australia, setelah tinggal lama dan menetap disini (pindah2 wilayah),  I experienced subtle forms of racism, although now I do not experience this at all on a day to day level. Australia is a relatively new melting pot of many cultures. There is no one single race that defines one as an Australian and non-indigenous Australia is only young. Racism exists in Australia as it does around the world. Neither more, neither less.
Ada kabar burung dari entah berantah kalo mahasiswa international yang bukan anak aussie ga dapet perlakuan khusus kaya anak sini, hmmmm sejauh ini yach.. pengalamanku baik dikampus maupun dikelas, perlakuan dosen ke semua pelajar sama aja, menurutku sih kalo ada kabar2 kaya gitu mending di cerna lebih dahulu.. kalo dosen tsb marah atau neglect.. liat dulu anaknya yg kena gosib, apa anak tsb jarang masuk kelas gara2  kerja mulu  atau jarang masuk kelas pagi karena masih tidur dari dugem semalaman, you know... kalo ada kabar2 ga enak gitu diteliti dulu...soalnya sejauh ini yach.. perlakuan dosen dikampus neng baik ke mahasiswa aussi atau negera lain neng rasa sama aja kok, ga ada bedanya, ga ada istilah anak emas atau karena you dari aussie gue kasi nilai A.. wahh gak tuch ga ada... semua sama rata.. kalo bagus dapat A kalo jelek ya F semua sama. itu pengalaman neng yach.. ga berarti semua mahasiswa sini pengalamannya sama rata semua, mungkin ada yang punya pengalaman buruk, silahkan boleh kasi tau neng..neng pengen tau..
Di ausi ada student ombudsmen ,kaya semacam KPK buat korupsi kalo, disini ada OSO buat mahasiswa international yang diperlakukan tidak adil, boleh silahkan lapor.. nanti ditidak lanjuti ama mereka..
if you feel that the university has not dealt with this issue you should report it to the Overseas Student Ombudsman Overseas Students Ombudsman
Sekedar nanya2 aja? rata2 anak2 kuliahan sini,  setelah lulus kuliah di australia, terus ngapain aja?. I suspect many overseas students have big dreams when they visit Australia - to finish their studies and then find work in the country. It might be possible in a booming economy, but right now things are tough, some major is not eligible to apply for PR, although some  major like nursing still available for PR option.. i dont know man.. everybody has their own agenda.. who knows.....


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